[Cobo] Three-Year Submission Change - FY-2019- FY2021 Budget Request Instructions and Template

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Sep 26 12:38:42 CDT 2017

Business Officers - Due to legislative changes in budget request requirements (SB 1030, 2016 Oklahoma Legislature) operational funding requests are to be submitted for three years instead of the standard one year.  Due to this change, in addition to the FY'19 budget needs, the budget needs for FY'20, and FY'21 will also need to be submitted.

The deadline for submission of FY'19 budget needs to the State Regents remains Friday, September 29, 2017.  Original email sent out on 8/29.

The deadline for submissions of FY'20 and FY'21 budget needs to the State Regents is October 13, 2017.  For consistency, budget needs for  FY'20 and FY'21 should assume that no additional funding was provided in the previous years.  Budget need forms for FY'20 and FY'21 are attached for your use.

For the purposes of estimating increases in health insurance and social security percentage changes, please use the incremental % increases that you are building into the FY2019 need request.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for the additional efforts in getting the two additional years data submitted in a timely manner.

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