[Cobo] FY2020 Budget Planning Timeline

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Apr 8 11:13:44 CDT 2019

As you beginning your end-of-year planning, please find the FY2020 Budget Timeline attached.  All budget, tuition and campus master plan materials will be due back to OSRHE on June 12, 2019.

Budget forms will be sent in subsequent emails.  Tuition forms were sent out on 4/3 from Jared Bellingar and the Campus Master Plan Worksheet was sent out on 4/1 from Sheri Mauck.

Awaiting confirmation from OMES, but the current assumption is that the EXCEL spreadsheet will but used to upload your FY2020 Budgets to OMES, as was don't last fiscal year too. Further details and instructions to come.
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