[Cobo] FW: Fiscal Impact SB829

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Feb 19 17:24:06 CST 2021

We have been requested to submit a fiscal impact for a senate bill that would require state agencies with over 80 acres of contiguous property that is leased for livestock grazing to fence in their property.

Please submit the answers to the following survey by close of business on Monday, February 22nd, in order for us to respond as quickly as possible?  Thank you.

Institutional Name: _____________________

1) Does your institution have land with over 80 acres of contiguous property for livestock grazing?    Yes   or  No

2.) Does your institution lease any land for livestock grazing?   Yes  or No

3) If yes, is this property currently fenced?   Yes   or  No

4.)  My institution's estimated fiscal impact to provide the "specified," permanent fencing and on-going maintenance is   $__________________.

5.) Any other information deemed important to share on this proposed language.  ___________________

You may respond by email to smauck at osrhe.edu as quickly as possible, but no later than Monday, 2.22.2021 @ 5:00 pm.

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