[Cobo] Shared Survey Request

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Dec 5 15:07:29 CST 2022

Business Officers,

As we anticipate recommendations that are coming through the Strategic Planning Committee, a recurring theme throughout the committee's meetings has been the potential to use "shared services " as a model for system efficiencies.  The attached survey has a purpose that is two-fold:  1) to gather data on what your institution is currently doing with the shared services concept, and 2) to catalog areas that may be of interest to your institution in future shared services models - either through system-wide initiatives or with additional regional or other institutional partnerships.

The survey lists several areas for which we know many of you are in joint partnerships, shared contracts, and/or consortiums already.  The list is not inclusive of all that you are doing  we are certain, so please add to the list and provide as much specificity as possible so that when we consolidate the responses that we can showcase how much our institutions are doing using forms of this administrative model.

Part II of the survey allows you to inform our offices of potential areas that your institution could benefit from shared services.  Again,  please be as specific as possible of your needs or areas for which you have an interest in exploring.

This is data gathering exercise only but could lead to more focuses efforts in the days ahead. The second worksheet in the attachment provides some commons definitions to help guide your thinking in the areas listed on the survey.  Thank you for your thoughtfulness and information on this topic.

Please complete the survey and return to Sheri Mauck (smauck at osrhe.edu<mailto:smauck at osrhe.edu>) by December 21, 2022.  Thank you.

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