[Cobo] Data on Concurrently Enrolled Student Charges

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Jan 3 12:54:34 CST 2022

DUE DATE:  Friday, January 7, 2022.  Please submit responses to Sheri Mauck, smauck at osrhe.edu<mailto:smauck at osrhe.edu> by COB Friday, or as quickly as possible. Thanks.

Business Officers,

We have received a legislative request to gather data on cost for concurrently enrolled students for both in-person and online coursework. In order to accurately prepare a response, I will need additional information from you. Please submit the following data which should correspond with your approved tuition and fee rates for FY2022.  The additional questions will be used to note exceptions for any waivers that are being provided by your institutions and determine the online course costs as requested.

Because your institution is perhaps addressing the junior high school student enrollments differently than the senior high school students, please answer these questions for both cohort populations.  If you have questions, please reach out.

Institution: _______________________________________


  1.  Please list the following (per credit hour) rates for undergraduate, resident students for FY2022:

  1.  Tuition per credit hour rate: __________
  2.  Mandatory fees per credit hour rate: __________
  3.  Online course fees --
     *   Per credit hour rate, or:  ___________
     *   Per course fee:  ____________
     *   Other: _____________

  1.  Does your institution has some approved mechanism to waive fees and/or books for concurrently enrolled students?  Yes or No.

Fees are waived:  Yes or No

  1.  The waiver is paid through third-party sources, i.e. foundation, designated program funds:  __________
  2.  The waiver has been specifically approved by the State Regents for this population group:  __________

Books/materials are waived:  Yes or No


  1.  Please list the following (per credit hour) rates for undergraduate, resident students for FY2022:

  1.  Tuition per credit hour rate: __________       Is your institution providing a waiver for juniors, whether or not you are receiving tuition reimbursement?   Yes  or No.
  2.  Mandatory fees per credit hour rate: __________
  3.  Online course fees --
     *   Per credit hour rate, or:  ___________
     *   Per course fee:  ____________
     *   Other: ______________

  1.  Does your institution has some approved mechanism to waive fees and/or books for concurrently enrolled students?  Yes or No.

Fees are waived:  Yes or No

  1.  The waiver is paid through third-party sources, i.e. foundation, designated program funds:  __________
  2.  The waiver has been specifically approved by the State Regents for this population group:  __________

Books/materials are waived:  Yes or No

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