[Cobo] FW: <<EXTERNAL E-MAIL>> FW: Concurrent Enrollment Waiver submission request - Due 4/30/24

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Apr 22 11:08:35 CDT 2024

Please be reminded of the April 30th deadline for this report. Thank you.

From: Cobo <cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net<mailto:cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net>> On Behalf Of Mauck, Sheri
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 1:33 PM
To: Council of Business Officers <cobo at lists.onenet.net<mailto:cobo at lists.onenet.net>>
Subject: <<EXTERNAL E-MAIL>> [Cobo] FW: Concurrent Enrollment Waiver submission request - Due 4/30/24



Please find the attached memo and instructions for submitting the current year's waivers for the Concurrent Enrollment Waiver Programs.

The deadline for submission is April 30, 2024.  The data that is collected will be used as the basis for reimbursements in your FY25 allocations.  Please note a separate portion of the form for reporting High School Juniors that are concurrently enrolled.  Please remember to report hours waived within and/or outside your institution's service area separately under the Concurrent Policy adopted in April 2021.  The policy is attached for your reference should you need a reminder of clarification on the two different line items being collected.

This year we will need you complete the EXCEL form and submit by email to smauck at osrhe.edu<mailto:smauck at osrhe.edu>.

Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you.

Sheri Mauck
smauck at osrhe.edu<mailto:smauck at osrhe.edu>

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