[Coil-l] OK-ACRL Outstanding Service Award! Nominations due today!

Lemon, Amanda alemon at occc.edu
Fri Oct 7 11:27:30 CDT 2011

Nominations are due today-- Friday, October 7th!


We're starting a new award this year!

The OK-ACRL Outstanding Service Award will be given annually to individuals showing extraordinary service or contributions to the OK-ACRL organization over time.

If you know of someone who has provided a minimum of 4 years service in either OK-ACRL or its interest groups (service is not limited to elected or appointed positions)


has shown extraordinary service or contribution to OK-ACRL or its interest groups


has displayed meritorious service to OK-ACRL or its interest groups by helping with the annual conference or workshop e.g., helping with logistics, providing refreshments, AV help, marketing materials, etc.

Nominate them!

The award will consist of a gift card from the OK-ACRL Board to the individual and free attendance to the following year's OK-ACRL conference and all interest group work-shops.

For official rules, criteria, the nomination process and more, please see: http://okacrl.okstate.edu/osaward.htm

Nominations for this year will be due on Friday, September 30th. The first award will be given away at this year's OK-ACRL/OKSLA's Fall 2011 Conference<http://okacrl.okstate.edu/index.htm> on Friday, November 4th in Stillwater, OK.

Thank you!
Amanda Lemon
2011 OK-ACRL Chapter President

Amanda Elizabeth Lemon
Electronic Services/Reference Librarian
Oklahoma City Community College
Keith Leftwich Memorial Library
7777 S. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Phone: 405.682.1611 ext. 7416
Email: alemon at occc.edu<mailto:alemon at occc.edu> | Web: http://www.occc.edu/Library/

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