[Coil-l] unCOILed 2013: New development with lunches

Adam Brennan adam.brennan at tulsacc.edu
Tue Jun 4 07:27:48 CDT 2013

Greetings all,

Just curious how you folks weigh in on this.  It turns out that catering/box lunches is cost prohibitive at Langston. So, we have a few options.  One option is to add extra time to the lunch hour so that folks can travel to Guthrie to eat.  This would add about thirty minutes on to the lunch hour, as Guthrie is a bit of a drive.  That would put lunch at 12:15 PM- 1:45 PM.  Our last session would be 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM, and wrap up would be 3:00 PM -3:15 PM.

The second option would be to offer a light snack, and push everything forward skipping lunch.  In which case we would have a 30 minute break for posters and snacks, and continue on, wrapping up the conference at 2:00 PM-2:15 PM.  What do you folks think?

I'm fine with either choice.  Lunches allow a chance to catch up with your friends and peers.  A shortened schedule gets people back on the road to home earlier :)

Adam Brennan
Tulsa Community College
909 S. Boston Ave, Tulsa OK
adam.brennan at tulsacc.edu

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