[Copo] State Survey: Veteran Faculty/Staff Access to Oklahoma Health Care

Mark Kinders MKinders at uco.edu
Mon Jun 5 16:21:02 CDT 2017

Dear Oklahoma Education Human Resources leader:

We need your help in reaching your school’s faculty and staff veterans to participate in a survey on access to health services in Oklahoma.
Governor Mary Fallin has empaneled a state-wide Task Force of Veterans health care professionals, Veterans advocates and state legislators to assess the condition of health care access for the state's 350,000 veterans.  This Task Force may recommend Oklahoma and federal policy changes based on the survey participants’ responses. We want our veterans to have the best access and quality of services offered in any state.

Governor Fallin announced the survey to Oklahoma on June 6, 2017.

To guide our activities, the Task Force is seeking your help in distributing information about the survey to your faculty and staff who are veterans to get input on their experiences.

The “Take 10” survey can be found online at https://uco.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6JWUQOCaJr8OZ37

Veterans may also take the survey on a mobile phone by scanning the Take 10 QR Code attached to this email.

Participation is entirely voluntary.  We will only use the summary data from all of the collected surveys to guide our activities in adjusting policies or programs.  Therefore, any survey answers provided by your faculty and staff veterans will be anonymous, and no one will know who they are.

If you would like to know more about the survey, you can call the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs at 405-523-4000.  Or you may call me, Dr. Mark Kinders at the University of Central Oklahoma, at 405-974-5562.

This survey project has been approved by the University of Central Oklahoma Institutional Review Board (#17087).  You may contact the UCO Office of Research Compliance at 405-974-5497.

Task Force Co-Chairs:

Major General (Retired) Myles Deering
Executive Director,
Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs

Dr. Mark Kinders, Ed. D.
Vice President for Public Affairs,
University of Central Oklahoma
U.S. Marine Corps, 1968-72

Mark Kinders, Ed.D.
Vice President for Public Affairs
University of Central Oklahoma
304 Old North
100 North University Drive
Edmond, OK 73034
405-974-5562 (Office)
918-207-6738 (Cell)

Horace Mann:  Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.
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