[Defaultprevention] FW: Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS

Heid, Mary mheid at ocap.org
Fri Nov 1 10:57:15 CDT 2013

I'm not sure how many of you all are on the FINAID listserv, but if you are not I thought the conversations below about enrollment reporting would be of interest.  If servicers don't know your borrower has withdrawn they will not contact them about repayment so it is great to be pro-active.

Happy Friday!

-----Original Message-----
From: ADMINISTRATION of USA Financial Aid Offices [mailto:FINAID-L at lists.psu.edu] On Behalf Of Robin Harrell
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS

Thanks for sharing. This was so helpful to me. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 31, 2013, at 6:56 PM, "Torres, Natalie" <ntorres at COLORADOMTN.EDU> wrote:
> Thanks for all the great responses! As requested here are some of the emails I received. Also, after sending that email on this list serve we have a scheduled teleconference with a Director at the National Student Clearinghouse to get a detailed explanation of their process and ask questions.  
> Here they are.....
> We found out about the delay some time ago.  I had attended a Department of Education Training in the NYC.  The DOE rep told me that if I am reporting monthly to the Clearinghouse the Clearinghouse takes two weeks to report to NSLDS.  As this was the case we were not meeting compliance of every 30 days. Therefore we report to the Clearinghouse every two weeks this keeps the information current on NSLDS
> We are a very small school. I don't use the clearinghouse at all. I report directly to NSLDS. I do it by entering by hand at the website, but I know it can be done by uploading a spreadsheet as well. On the NSLDS website there is enrollment summary and update--that is where I enter everything.  As I recall, (it was a long time ago) I called them for assistance so I could get everything set up correctly.
> NSLDS is updated by COD for loan and grant data, and from the Clearinghouse for enrollment data -- you update nothing and have little to no role in the accuracy of NSLDS (as long as you are reporting in timely fashion to Clearinghouse, and the aid office is doing required reconciliation in DL and Pell every 30 days) if you just started this new 30 day reporting cycle with Clearinghouse, NSLDS will eventually be okay as long as you are doing DL and Pell reconciliation the right way ... If I were you, I would spend time being sure the enrollment reports from the office of the registrar are correct/perfect, that the 30 day requirement is for sure being hit, and verify with your staff in aid that they are completing 30 day reconciliation religiously 
> I report directly to NSLDS each month the enrollment changes of students. However, we are also a small school, so this is manageable for us.
> We also had issues with delayed NSLDS enrollment reporting from the Clearinghouse in the past.  We did exactly what you did...go to a more frequent (monthly) NSC reporting timeline.  Our school also decided that any complete withdrawals would be immediately adjusted directly on the NSLDS site by our Financial Aid Director.  This seems to have worked for us at this point.
> We are a small college (370 students) with a fall/spring semester system.  I manage the enrollment reporting on top of my financial aid duties.  
> A few years ago we were having problems with the Clearinghouse not reporting withdrawals to ED within 30 days due to timing issues between our submissions to the Clearinghouse and when the Clearinghouse responded to ED's rosters.  On the advice of our auditor made the following change:  whenever anyone has a change in enrollment status (withdraws, graduates, etc.) I go on-line to NSLDS and key the information there within 30 days of the change.  That ensures that ED has the change in a timely manner.  I also send an ad hoc status change to the Clearinghouse via their website if a student withdraws.  I do this right after I key the status change on the NSLDS website.
> On top of that I updated our "Enrollment Reporting Profile" schedule in NSLDS so that ED sends a roster to the Clearinghouse every 30 days.  I continue to report to the Clearinghouse only four times per semester. That solved the problem of not getting enrollment changes submitted to ED in a timely manner.  
> This is such a great list serve with valuable feedback and suggestions. Thanks again!
> Natalie Torres
> Interim Financial Aid Director
> Colorado Mountain College
> 970-947-8338
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADMINISTRATION of USA Financial Aid Offices [mailto:FINAID-L at lists.psu.edu] On Behalf Of Torres, Natalie
> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:29 AM
> Subject: Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS
> I realize this is more of a Registrar's responsibility, but we have quite a=  bit of turnover in our institution and I'm being asked to find out some in= formation on this enrollment reporting process.  I'm hoping this extremely = knowledgeable group will have some insight!
> We found that our enrollment reporting to NSLDS, due to any changes in enro= llment, had some delayed reporting over the 30 days and there were several = failed attempts by the National Student Clearinghouse to update NSLDS in a = timely manner. We have adopted a more frequent reporting timeline (every mo= nth). I'm curious if anyone has a process to report enrollment directly to = NSLDS or knows of why the National Student Clearinghouse fails to report th= is information quickly? We'd love to learn how schools are dealing with thi= s delayed reporting by NSC.
> We are an Ellucian Colleague institution so anyone with a system process an= d uses this system I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
> Thanks so much for your help!
> Natalie Torres
> Interim Financial Aid Director
> Colorado Mountain College
> 970-947-8338
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