[Eoscstudents] T'giving food drive

Mary Edith Butler mebutler at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 31 09:00:40 CST 2005

The Library Media Center will sponsor its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive 
beginning Tues., Nov. 1, and continuing until Tues., Nov. 15.  Students 
who have library fines can have the fines erased by bringing in the 
equivalent amount in canned food.  We will create food boxes with the 
canned goods collected and will buy meat gift certificates with any 
money donated.  These boxes will go to Eastern students who might need a 
bit of help during the holidays.   It is a short drive this year because 
of the way the calendar falls, so we need everyone to really get busy 
and help us raise can goods and money.   Feel free to call if you have 
any questions, and we would be very grateful for any help from clubs and 
teams.  Thanks very much!
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