[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Aug. 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 3 10:02:48 CDT 2006

Hello out there,

I hope none of you have had a meltdown yet.  It's a definite possibility 
with the temperatures the way they've been.  And Governor Henry has 
reinstated a state-wide burn ban so there can be no outdoor burning of 
leaves, trash, etc.  I thought about burning some stuff the other night, 
but then I thought, as hot as it was I didn't want to add to it in any 
way.  I figured the burning could wait. 

It's funny, though, as hot as it's been, I'm thinking everything is 
dying from the heat or just lying around miserable in it, but then 
yesterday evening as I got off the phone, I heard a noise outside the 
front door and looked out to see that one of our little hens had hatched 
out a baby chick!  She's been sitting on some eggs in a box I originally 
put in place for the cats to get into for what seemed like so long I 
didn't think anything was going to hatch at all.  I really thought she 
was just staying in that box to hide from all our roosters!  I wouldn't 
blame her.  I went outside last night after it "cooled off" to water my 
crispy plants and I guess I got the roosters stirred up.  The one in the 
henhouse crowed, then one across the road started, then I could hear one 
way out back set in, then one right in the front yard started.  Good 
grief!  I didn't realize they were in so many different places.  It 
probably wasn't too smart of them to announce themselves like that, 
since I had just seen the raccoon sneaking away from the dog food feeder 
that he'd knocked over to get to the food.  They say raccoons are very 
smart, but this one seems like he would rather knock the dog food feeder 
over and eat than figure out how to reach in the little swinging door.  
Oh well, to each his own, I guess.  At least I guess if he can figure 
out some way of getting all the dog food he wants, maybe he'll leave the 
chickens alone!

Our menu today includes:

            Pork loin
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Blackeye peas
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is a Deli Selection and Chips.

And for dessert Drexel has fixed a yummy Strawberry Cake.

Come on over and cool off with us,

Rhoda    :-)     
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