[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Aug. 15 Today's the Day!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Aug 15 09:48:44 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Well, today's the day everyone's tomorrow begins!  It's the first day of 
fall classes and I hope everyone has a very happy and successful year on 
their way to a brighter future.  I've seen several familiar faces that 
have come back from last semester, and met several new people that I 
hope will be around with us for a while.  I even met one fellow that was 
a mixture of both.  I could tell he looked like a fellow we had last 
semester, but he was new.  Turns out he was the younger brother.

We've started a drawing for a really nice bicycle and helmet, that was 
donated by Dr. Pepper, here in the Cafeteria.  It is open to any 
currently enrolled Eastern student.  Please, only enter once, and your 
enrollment status will be verified before the prize is awarded.  We have 
the entry box and forms here in the Cafeteria, so come and see us and 
fill one out.  You might just be the winner!   The drawing will be held 
on Aug. 30 at 1:15 after serving for lunch ends.

We'd like to thank Student Services for the great T-shirts they gave us 
yesterday, too.  They bear the slogan, "It's not who you are, it's  who 
you will become."  That's really what college is all about, preparing 
the students for a better future. 

If you'll notice, we're trying out a few new recipes here in the 
Cafeteria, so come on over and try something you haven't had before. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Barbecue onion meatloaf (new)
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Garlic linguini
            Pasta bar
            Garden blend wild rice
            Zucchini and tomatoes
            Sandwich bar
            Taco stew (new)

And for dessert we have Cookie Bars.

Come on over and check out the new menu and the great bike,

Rhoda    8-)  
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