[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. Dec. 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Dec 1 09:37:10 CST 2006


According to the thermometer it's 20 degrees outside, and I can 
guarantee you it was very slick going home yesterday evening.  I thought 
the little "no traction" symbol that lights up on my dash when things 
get slippery would burn out before I got home.   You really have to go 
slow so you don't have to hit the brakes, because that's when you'll get 
to see places you never meant to up close and personal, like the ditch 
on the other side of the road, or the emergency room, or maybe even what 
the world looks like upside down dangling from your seatbelt.

Even though there are no classes today and the faculty gets to stay 
home, and the kids get a free day to sleep in or play in the snow or 
whatever, the Cafeteria crew was here dark and early as usual.  The show 
must go on, and folks must be fed.  Not surprisingly, the breakfast 
numbers were way down.  (We'd've all slept in too if we could have.)  As 
near as I can tell at this point, even the Regent's meeting is still on 
for today.  I don't know where they all have to come in from, but I hope 
it's not as bad as it sounds like on the TV weather reports.

I'm assuming that Candlelighting is still on for this Sunday.  I haven't 
heard anything to the contrary, anway.

We actually had to cancel our PAWS meeting last night.  I think that's a 
first.  We're a pretty determined little group, all in all, but there's 
no need to risk life and limb when we could just pick a better day and 
all live to tell about it.

Our menu for today includes:

            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Green beans
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hot Ham and Cheese on a bun with chips.

And for dessert have a piece of Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting.

Slide on over and eat with us,

Rhoda    ;-)    
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