[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Dec. 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Dec 11 10:17:17 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Only two weeks til Christmas, AND it's finals week here on campus.  
How's that for double the stress factor?  This is the week when all the 
students will get to find out how much they've learned and the faculty 
will get to find out how well they've gotten through to them.   I wish 
them all the best.  (I'm just glad I don't have a test to take.)

My husband and I had an enjoyable time at the employee Christmas dinner 
the other night.  I got to meet some new people and see some old friends 
that I hadn't seen in a while.  As always, the food was very good.  And 
the "spare no expense" entertainment was enjoyable also.  I realized I 
must never have heard Paul Enis sing before, (it's usually just his 
students that you hear at programs and such), but now I know why he went 
into music.  He has a really outstanding voice, and did a fine job of 
leading us in a variety of Christmas carols.  He even managed to make us 
amateurs sound pretty good. 

I had heard something that sounded like a very good piece of news for 
Eastern at a recent meeting with the architects that are planning the 
new building, and in scanning through the latest e-newsletter, I found 
out where the credit goes for this achievement.  In the meeting it was 
stated that after many years of occupying the land on which our college 
sits, Eastern had finally acquired ownership of it.  In the 
e-newsletter, it stated that this was due to the efforts of Vice 
President Linda Sadler.  That is an accomplishment surely worthy of 
getting her name in Coach Wooldridge's upcoming book on the history of 
Eastern.  And if that book is already finalized, then it sounds like 
we've got a good start on book two.  Especially after we get the new 
building underway.

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken enchilada casserole
          Steamed red potatoes
          Sweet peas
          Baby carrots
          Spanish rice
          Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Meatball Subs with Tater Tots

And for dessert we have a Luscious Lemon Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)        
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