[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Dec. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Dec 12 10:07:35 CST 2006

Hello out there,

Evidently we're going to be losing several of our old familiar faces 
from Eastern soon.  I knew about Judy Betts and Ray Rice, but I noticed 
in the e-newsletter that we're also going to be losing Kenneth Gwin, 
(one of our handy fix-it guys), Jerry Paulk and our D.O.C. buddy, Bill 
Hulsey.  (We'll really miss Bill here in the Cafeteria, as he's pretty 
much in here daily and is really a sweet guy.)  This whole group will be 
missed and take with them many, many years of experience and all our 
best wishes.

Newsflash:  The Bookstore is going to the dogs!  And that's a good 
thing!  If you haven't read the memo yet, Ali Martinez, the current 
Nursing Department secretary,  will be the new Bookstore Manager, 
replacing Judy Betts when she finally gets to retire, and if you know 
Ali, or have seen the decor in her office, I'd bet there will soon be 
boo-koos of cuddly, cute dog pictures popping up in the Bookstore!  
Every time I get an email with some cute whimsical critter picture in 
it, especially if it's a dog, I have to send it to Ali for her wall. The 
Nursing Department's loss will be everyone else's gain.  (They did get a 
big grant though, so maybe that will take some of the sting out of 
losing Ali.)  I look forward to getting to see her more often since 
she'll be so much closer now.   She's a pleasure to be around and will 
fit right in with the Bookstore crew.  Congratulations and good luck, 
Ali, on the new adventure that awaits you!

Our menu for today includes:

            Smoked pork chops
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Black eye peas
            Brussels sprouts
            Pasta bar
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is a Steak Sandwich and French Fries.

And for dessert have a piece of some yummy Cherry Cobbler.

Come on over and eat with us,

Rhoda   :-)       
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