[Eoscstudents] Eastern Idol

Linda Morgan lmorgan at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 8 08:32:10 CST 2006

The stage is set for the final round of the first “Eastern Idol”
competition. Congratulations to the finalists—Veronica Allen, Justin
Eubanks & Jason Stringfellow, Ashley Holsten, Laurin Masten, Vanessa
Tillery, and Kyle Williams.

Join us Thursday evening (February 9) at 7 p.m. in Mitchell Auditorium.
YOU can play a key role in selecting the “Eastern Idol.” Each contestant
will perform. Audience members may “vote” for their favorite idol by
placing money (“votes”) in each contestant’s box. The audience’s vote
will be calculated and added to the judges tallies to determine the

Proceeds go to the KiBois Women’s Shelter for battered and abused women.

Admission is $2. Come and enjoy and evening of entertainment and fun!!!

Congratulations to Catlin Ahtone, winner of the “Eastern Idol Imitator”

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