[Eoscstudents] Wear Red Day

Mary Edith Butler mebutler at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 30 08:38:52 CST 2006

On this Friday, Feb. 3, Eastern will join others across the nation in 
Wear Red Day activities to raise awareness of heart disease.  The 
Library Media Center staff is sponsoring the activities, and we are 
asking everyone to wear something red on Friday.  We will have a table 
in the Student Center from 11 to 1 with free information on heart 
disease.  We will also accept donations for the American Heart 
Association--the Tulsa branch, which serves our area, will receive the 
money.  Anyone who donates $3 or more will have their name put in the 
drawing for several neat door prizes.  If you donate $5 or more, you 
will be entered in the door prize drawings AND receive a "wear red" pin 
(If you have a pin from last year, feel free to wear it) .
     Novella and the cafeteria staff have planned a  lunch that is 
particularly "heart healthy," featuring  baked chicken, baked fish, 
steamed broccoli, beans, potatoes, salad, and angel food cake. 
     Heart disease is the #1 killer of women over age 25!  Sixty-five 
percent of the women who die suddenly of heart disease had no previous 
symptoms.  We need to pay attention to this issue!  You can find more 
facts at www.americanheart.org.  Thanks!  M.E. Butler

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