[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday June 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jun 2 09:52:58 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

It looks like it's going to be a really nice day out today.  And I hope 
it will stay that way tonight for the Relay for Life.  It should be a 
lot of fun.  The theme this year is "Relaying through TV Land"  so all 
the groups are supposed to pick a TV show to portray.  My daughter and I 
will be with the 4H group, who have decided to be the Beverly 
Hillbillies.  (I always wanted to be Ellie Mae.  She was sweet, 
beautiful, rich, had all the critters you could imagine and she could 
whip Jethro when he needed it!  What more could you ask for?) 

Remember to wish Dr. Brenda Steuer a happy birthday.   A little bird 
told me she's having one tomorrow and I hope she has a great one.  
Anybody who loves dogs and birds is alright by me. 

Our menu for today includes:

       Chicken strips
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Green beans
Our fast food is Nachos with Meat and Cheese sauce.

And for dessert we're having Texas Cow Patties.  (Okay, not real cow 
patties, we just called it that in honor of all the Aggie Camp kids 
we'll be having at lunch.  It's really a very good No-Bake Rocky Road 
Cookie.  Be brave and try it)

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)
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