[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. June 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jun 8 10:04:16 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

It sounds like you'd better be finding a shady spot for the rest of the 
week and on into next week.   We've got 90's coming up, and not low ones 
either!  Why is it  that it seems hotter now than it ever did when I was 
a kid?   It can't be my age or my weight, surely, or the fact that I've 
lived with air conditioning for several years now .  I'm blaming it on 
global warming!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Be sure if you see Joni, (aka Dwaynette) the auditor helping in the 
business office to wish her a very happy 29th birthday.  (She's still 
just a pup.)  She and the two fellows she works with, Dwayne and Duane, 
are some very nice folks and I hope she has a very enjoyable  birthday, 
even if she does have to spend it working and being away from home.

Our menu for today includes:

         Pork loin
          Mashed potatoed and gravy
          Winter blend vegetables
          Pasta bar
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is BBQ on a bun with chips.

And for dessert everything's just peachy, with yummy Peach Cobbler.

Come on over where it's cool,

Rhoda     8-)
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