[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. March 22

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Mar 22 10:04:31 CST 2006

Hi everyone,

According to my thermometer it's only 39 degrees outside, which means I 
don't even want to think about how low it got last night late.  I dread 
to see what it may have done to the beautiful flowers that were just 
getting started good.  The red buds were really spectacular.   It's 
gotten so cold we even turned the hot  chocolate machine back on.

I'm still exhausted from yesterday.  After working all day I went to the 
4H dress revue and Share-the-Fun show at the grade school auditorium and 
was there til almost 8:00 pm.  That was a long day, but I enjoyed the 
acts,  music and modeling that the kids did.  Hopefully next year 
they'll  have an even bigger show and more kids will get involved.  4H 
is a great organization that can always use good adult volunteers to 
help with things like this if anyone is interested.  They are doing a 
lot of great things with our local kids and providing a good environment 
where the kids can participate in activities without worrying about 
their safety or what kind of negative influences they may encounter.  
They have a lot more going on than the traditional stock shows.  My 
daughter doesn't do stock shows and she still finds plenty to do and get 
involved with in 4H.

Our menu for  today includes:

       Pork chops
       Pinto beans
       Turnip greens
       Steamed cabbage
       Fried squash
       Krispy cubed potatoes
       Pasta bar
       Hot rolls

Our fast food is PIZZA.

And for dessert we have  Coconut Cake and Apple Cobbler.

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)

P. S.  Happy Birthday, Pam Flener!  You're not getting older, you're 
getting better!

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