[Eoscstudents] Menu for a Snowy Day, Thurs. March 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 23 09:06:46 CST 2006

Hi everyone,

On my way home yesterday I saw a long line of geese winging their way 
north over Hwy. 2 South.  I wished I could've been standing outside and 
been able to hear them as they passed.  Every time I see or hear geese 
flying over, it seems to be much more an indicator of the seasons than 
the calendar or the weather report on TV.
This is the REAL world.  I hope they made it somewhere safe before the 
sleet started yesterday evening.  That didn't last too long, but I was 
totally surprised this morning when I got up and turned on the TV and 
heard them reporting snow for much of the area.  I hadn't even looked 
outside yet, as it was still dark, so I turned on the outside light and 
opened the door to see snowflakes whirling around.  By the time I went 
out to the car, it was covered in sticky white flakes, so I turned on 
the back and front wipers, and got out to scoot the wet snow off the 
side windows.  By the time I got that done, I was white all over!   
Looking out right now, it looks like the snow has stopped and isn't 
sticking anywhere except on the tops of cars and things.  I didn't 
figure it would stay around too long.  Those geese told me they're 
expecting spring any day now, and I'm ready.

Our menu for today includes:

       Steamed red potatoes
        Green beans
        Sliced carrots
        Garlic bread

Our fast food is Hamburgers and French Fries.

And for dessert we have German Chocolate Cake.

Come on over and see us,

Rhoda   :-)  
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