[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu May 25 09:49:05 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

My daughter and I peeked in our bluebird house yesterday evening and we 
have little baby bluebirds about ready to leave the nest.  I had been 
trying not to bother them too much so I wouldn't upset the parents, but 
they're so cute!  We have always had good luck with our bluebird house, 
but our martin house has been vacant the whole time it's been up, and 
that's been several years.  I don't know what we're doing wrong there.  
(Surely they can't tell that we didn't follow the assembly directions 
very well and had to go back at the end and stick the very top piece on 
with a well chewed piece of gum!  All the rest of it went according to 
the directions.)  We could use some mosquito eaters around the place, 
that's for sure!  If anyone knows the secret, please let me in on it!  
Maybe they don't want to have to fly so far to town! 

Don't forget anyone who is interested in helping homeless dogs is 
invited to our monthly PAWS meeting this evening at 7:00 a the Public 
Library here in town.  We always have a good time at our meetings.  We 
all love dogs and most other animals so there's plenty to talk about. 

Our menu for today includes:

       Turkey breast
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Sweet potatoes
       Rice Pilaf

Our fast food is Mr. Rib on a bun.

And shake up your sweet tooth with a piece of Earthquake Cake!

Come on over and cool off with us,

Rhoda    8-)

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