[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 1 09:58:59 CST 2006

Happy November everyone,

Can you believe it's already November?  And while most people are 
starting to count the days til Christmas, Novella is counting the days 
til the day after Thanksgiving, (you know, that BIGGEST shopping day of 
the year.)  She's been out walking the track trying to get her time down 
so she can beat everyone else to the best bargains.

Well, all the ghouls and goblins have crawled back into their hiding 
places for another year, and the bats have evacuated the Cafeteria, 
(except for that big one that I'm going to have to get down with a 
ladder).  This was really the first year that my daughter hasn't 
actually done any trick or treating, but she couldn't quit Halloween 
cold turkey.  Besides the big family Halloween party we went to, and the 
4H Halloween bash, she decided yesterday that she needed to go over and 
hand out candy for my mom.  Never mind that Mom is 89, didn't buy any 
candy except for a few kids that she knows, and didn't really want to 
mess with it.  Destiny just decided that she was going to hand out candy 
"for Grandma" and her daddy, (a big kid himself), went right along with 
it, so we wound up raiding Alco for a massive bag of candy to hand out.  
Kids generally learn from experience where to go for the good stuff and 
who doesn't hand out candy, so nobody was expecting anything at Mom's.  
Poor Destiny only had 6 kids come by, so we still have a huge amount of 
candy.  I may have to bring some of those yucky looking Gummy Body Parts 
here for the students to eat.  Or maybe I should donate them to the 
science lab to experiment on.  (Destiny is already planning for next 
year.  She's decided that she's going to dress up, decorate and light 
candles, etc.  Could be a new tradition being born.)

Our menu for today is not nearly as creepy sounding as the one yesterday.

            Dorito bake
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Green beans
            Fried okra               
Pizza is the fast food for the day.

And we have some luscious Lemon Cake for dessert.

Come and get it,

Rhoda   :-)

P. S.  Be prepared for frost in the morning.  It's supposed to be cold.  
Time to find the scraper and buy de-icer!

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