[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Nov. 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 2 10:21:23 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Brrrrr!!!  It definitely got chilly last night and still is according to 
my thermometer.  Fortunately, I have a little heater hidden under my 
desk that keeps me cozy in here.  I didn't have as much frost on my 
windshield as I thought I would.  I didn't even have to use the de-icer 
I finally tracked down at O'Reilly's yesterday.  I'm sure I will before 
too long, though. 

Evidently good news spreads fast, no matter where you are.  Word has 
spread all through the woods near our house that we have raccoon 
accessible cat and/or dog food available 24/7.  This morning there were 
two groups of 3 or 4 raccoons each milling around outside our front 
door, either eating or waiting to eat at our automatic dog and cat 
feeder.  The amazing thing is, they are much better at it than the dogs 
or cats it's made for.  A couple of them would be sticking their little 
paws in the swinging door  where the food is supposed to come from, 
while another one got impatient and poked his little pointy nose up to 
the top, raising the lid, so he could climb up there and sit eating out 
of the hopper.  Talk about thinking out of the box!  They are some 
pretty smart little critters!

Don't forget to go see the hypnotist in the auditorium tonight at 8:00.  
I saw it last year and it is hysterical.  If you sit up close you might 
get picked to participate in the show, too.

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken parmesan with red sauce
          Scalloped potatoes
          Black eye peas
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries.

And for dessert Drexel made Bread Pudding.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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