[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. Nov. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 6 10:05:28 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you all enjoyed Homecoming Weekend.  A big congratulations to the 
new Eastern Homecoming King and Queen, Sam Peterman and Jenna Dale, who 
represented the Aggie club, always a very active club on campus.  And 
even though the other candidates did not win the crown, it is an honor 
for them to have been chosen by their respective clubs and 
organizations, and will be something to remember and cherish in the future.

The Latimer County 4H clubs would like to invite all veterans to their 
annual Veteran's Appreciation Program Thursday evening at 6:00 at the 
VFW hall at 108 West Ada in Wilburton.  A free barbecue dinner, drinks 
and dessert will be served and the 4H members will be presenting a 
Veteran's Day program to show their appreciation for all that the 
veteran's have done for our country.   This program has continued to 
grow in the past few years since it began and is a very worthwhile event 
for the 4Her's to participate in.

Happy Birthday to Debra Stewart, "the post office lady" here on campus.  
Here's hoping that her mail will be full of wonderful birthday wishes today.

Our menu for today includes:

         Spaghetti with meat sauce
          Whole new potatoes
          Sweet peas
          Italian vegetables
          Baked potato bar
          Bread sticks

Our fast food is a Sandwich bar with chips.

And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake.

Come on over and have a bite,

Rhoda   :-)
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