[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 8 09:51:12 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I think our weather has had a flashback.  It feels two or three months 
warmer than November to me.  And it's still supposed to be warm 
tomorrow.  After that, though, it's supposed to chill down about twenty 
degrees or so for several days.  Back to more like normal for this time 
of year.  The weather men are already tearing into persimmon seeds to 
see if we're having a cold winter, a wet winter or a dry winter, 
depending on whether the inside of the seed looks like a knife, fork or 
I haven't looked into any of those, but I do remember seeing squirrels 
gathering nuts like crazy several weeks ago, as if in preparation for a 
long, cold winter.  We'll just have to wait and see what we get.  
Surprisingly, I haven't heard any geese going over yet.  My husband said 
he did a few days ago when he got up at some awful hour to go to work.  
Maybe when these two warm days are over and the cooler front starts 
coming through, they'll get the hint.    

Well, the elections are over, so the mud-slinging can cease, along with 
the recorded messages to "vote for me", and the constant ads on TV.   
Some of those politicians never seem to learn to run on their own 
merits, not on the worst thing they can think of to say about their 
opponent.  It's hard for me to root for someone who acts so mean 
spirited to others.  I hope you all voted yesterday, especially those of 
you newly registed through the recent voter registration drive.  They 
say if you don't vote, you can't gripe about the way things are run, but 
we know that's not true.  I think there's an amendment covering "Freedom 
to Gripe", (probably one of the most used amendments of all).  

Our menu today includes:

          Fried chicken
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Garden blend rice
          Pinto beans
          Turnip greens
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Pizza.

And for dessert, yes we have Banana Pudding.

Come on over and dig in,

Rhoda   :-)

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