[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Nov. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Nov 14 09:47:40 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Well, we just have a few days left before we get a week off to rest, 
relax and EAT, and I know you're all ready to be off and get to eat all 
that good Thanksgiving food that families always have.  Everybody seems 
to have their particular favorite that they always have to make or get 
someone to make for them because it just doesn't seem like Thanksgiving 
without whatever your favorite dish is.  (I think my favorites are 
dressing and desserts.  I'm not that big a meat eater.)  Just in case 
you need a preview of what you'll be having next week, our Thanksgiving 
dinner in the Cafeteria will be tomorrow, so get ready.

If you can't get by one day this week to see the play "The Golden Goose" 
being performed by our Theatre Dept. and several area school children, 
be sure and make plans to see it Friday evening.  I know there's been a 
lot of hard work put in on it and it should be really entertaining.  

Get ready for the temperature to drop several degrees tomorrow.  Earlier 
in the week, they were even talking like it might snow, but I think 
they've changed their forecast to just rain.  (Thank goodness!) 

Our menu for today includes:

            Indian tacos
             Spanish rice
             Pinto beans
             Turnip greens
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Macaroni and tomatoes

Our fast food line will have Steak Sandwiches and French Fries.

And for dessert try a piece of yummy Lemon Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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