[Eoscstudents] Menu for a Wet Wed. Nov. 15

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 15 09:50:22 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you all brought your umbrellas today.  Everybody that came in for 
breakfast was spotted.  They all had to walk over through the rain and 
you could look at them and tell it was really coming down out there at 
times.  I know we can really use the rain, but if there's mud, it can go 
somewhere else. 

I feel like I've got so much to do in the next couple of days, I don't 
know where to start.  Tracy Clark did get to come by yesterday evening 
and hook up my new machine so I can print now, so that should take care 
of one project, then I need to do billing, work on time cards, do 
dailies, etc., etc., etc.  This being off can really throw off your work 
schedule.  Not that I'm complaining about it, mind you.  I fully intend 
to enjoy it, and hope I can get a lot of stuff done at my house.  I am 
just going to have to figure out when and how to get a lot of stuff done 
here in a very little time.  Wish me luck with that.

Our Thanksgiving dinner menu includes:

          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Baked ham
          Baked beans
          Green beans
          Sweet potatoes
          Hot rolls

And for dessert we have  Pecan Pie Squares,  Pumpkin Pie Squares, and 
Fresh Apple Cake.

And remember, we're thankful for all of you that allow us to serve you 
every day.

Rhoda    :-)
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