[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 29 09:55:12 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you're ready for cold weather, 'cause it's supposed to hit this 
evening.  Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold with an Arctic cold 
front due to be coming through this area, and Friday should still be 
pretty chilly.   If we get the snow and or ice they're predicting, 
Friday may be pretty slippery.  We had Long Johns in the Cafeteria this 
morning, maybe to remind everyone to dig theirs out.

I saw the email this morning that Paul Enis sent out letting everyone 
know that Candlelighting is this coming Sunday from 5:00 to 8:00.  If 
the weather hasn't gotten you in the mood for Christmas by then, surely 
their beautiful music and singing will.

I noticed yesterday that downtown has got Christmas garland and bows on 
the new light posts, and other Christmas decorations up and in store 
windows.  I guess I'd better hurry and get inventory done as fast as I 
can so I can start decorating over here.  Things get really busy this 
time of year.  Not regular busy, but concentrated, packed-in busy.  Just 
when I think I'm getting a pretty good routine going, along comes 
something that throws it off in a major way, but I guess if that didn't 
happen things could get pretty boring, huh?  I know all the students and 
faculty are just counting the days til semester end and Christmas break.

Our menu for today includes:

          Dorito bake
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Black eye peas
          Corn on the cob
          Macaroni and cheese with smoked sausage

And our fast food is Burritos with chili and cheese and French Fries.

For dessert we have luscious Banana Pudding.

Come on over and enjoy,

Rhoda    :-)      

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