[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Nov.30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 30 10:01:06 CST 2006

Hi folks,

This weather situation is much on everyone's mind today.  I've had the 
Weather Program on my computer all morning and been watching where all 
the bad weather is located.  It appears that we're right in between the 
rain going out and the really cold stuff coming in.  The temperature 
started at 34 degrees and stayed there for quite a while, but I see now 
that it's dropped to 32, so I guess that means the cold wave is getting 
somewhat closer.  On the radar map there's a large mass of cold air with 
a light ice mix and snow heading this way.  It appears to be over 
McAlester on the map, so it shouldn't be long at all til it gets here 
and will drop the temperature even more.  Be sure and drive carefully 
when you leave today.  Just because it may not look icy or slick doesn't 
mean it isn't.  Remember to bring your pets in or provide them with 
adequate shelter to handle the weather.  Just because they have a fur 
coat doesn't mean being in the cold and wet weather doesn't bother 
them.  Check their water frequently, too, as it will freeze quickly.  
And if you're into feeding the birds, this would be a good time to have 
your feeders full of sunflower seeds for them.  That's a big favorite of 
most kinds of wild birds.

Be sure to turn in your Employee Christmas Dinner invitation by tomorrow 
at noon so we can get a firm count on how many to prepare for.  Hard to 
believe it's that time already, isn't it? 

Any hardy souls who are interested are invited to our PAWS  meeting this 
evening at 7:00 at the Public Library.  We all love animals and always 
have a great time getting together and sharing stories.

Our menu for today includes:

            Pork loin
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Baked beans
            Baked potato bar
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Tacos.

And for dessert we have Luscious Lemon Cake.

Bundle up and come on over,

Rhoda    :-)
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