[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Oct. 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 25 09:56:36 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, it sure did seem like some good sleeping weather this morning!  
Unfortunately, that's not what the world had in store for most of us, is 
it?  The patter of the rain is so soothing it just makes you want to 
shut off the alarm, stretch, roll back over and go back to sleep. 

Me and my family went to the 4H Halloween Bash last night and it was a 
lot of fun.  There were hot dogs and smoked grillers cooked by Tony 
Johnson on the new grill they got with a grant for doing meat 
demonstrations, along with other snacks and drinks.  And if you think 
"Dancing with the Stars" is entertaining, you should've seen some of the 
moves those 4H kids were doing.  One kid was on the floor doing one 
handed cartwheels.  It's a good thing he could do them one handed, 
too.   His other arm was in a cast!  Quite a few of the kids got into 
the line dancing lessons, while others were watching the movie, "Monster 
House."  They also had a dance contest, a pumpkin carving contest, and a 
costume contest with plaques for the winners to take home.    My husband 
even got talked into judging some of it.  Of course we had to check out 
the new addition to the building while we were there.  That ought to 
come in really for all the stock shows they have over there.

Our menu for  today includes:

             Indian tacos
             Pinto beans
             Corn bread
             Steamed cabbage
             Fiesta corn
             California blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls

It's Pizza Day on the fast food line.

And Fresh Apple Cake is the dessert for today.

Come on over and eat with us,

Rhoda   :-)             
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