[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Sept. 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 20 10:04:55 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, I'm really glad to be back today.  My daughter's fever finally went 
down and she felt much better yesterday afternoon, so we're both back in 
the saddle again today.  What a relief to have her back to normal!  I 
feel like I miss so much when I'm gone, but sometimes you just have to 
go take care of things, like sick kids, (sometimes even furry ones).

Be sure and wish a belated birthday to Linda Morgan for yesterday if you 
didn't get to wish her one then.  I just found out today that I had 
missed it, but better late than never, I guess.  I hope she had a happy one.

I'm glad to hear that Hank has made it through another surgery 
successfully.  He may be the type of guy that will have to have his legs 
broken before he'll slow down any.  You guys may have to keep on top of 
him to keep him from doing more than is good for him too soon.   He's 
like a fixture around here.  We don't want to lose him. 

Our menu for today includes:

          Dorito bake
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Capri blend vegetables
          Corn on the cob
          Baked potato bar

Our fast food is Pizza.

And for dessert we have Cherry Chip Cake.

Come on over and fill up,

Rhoda   :-)
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