[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Sept. 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 25 09:59:39 CDT 2006

Hello everyone,

I had serious doubts about today when I got ready to go take my shower 
this morning and the light bulb blew out when I walked into the 
bathroom.  My 6' tall husband, (the designated light bulb changer of the 
household) had, of course, already gone to work, so it was left to me to 
do the job.  Since there are no windows in the room at all there wasn't 
much choice in the matter.  The sad thing is, I can barely reach the 
bulb with my fingertips when I'm standing on a chair, but somehow I 
managed.  I think that should surely count for some serious stretching 
exercises, too.  Then after I had been at work a while, I got a call 
from my daughter, who had missed the school bus due to falling back 
asleep, after me leaving the house telling her she had to get up, and 
her swearing that she absolutely was going to do that the very next 
second.   It all gives me the very paranoid feeling of wanting to hide 
under my desk so that whatever is out there waiting to happen next won't 
find me to do it to.

It was very sad news to find that Joyce Bills and Karen Clark's mother 
had passed away last week.  I had never met her but had gotten to speak 
to her on the phone a time or two, and I think she must've been just as 
sweet as both Joyce and Karen are, and I know her family and friends 
will miss her.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Here's a heads up for tomorrow also.  We will be having a trailer parked 
in front of the Student Union Building with a traveling chef and cooking 
equipment on display. We are trying to see what's out there available 
that we might possibly be able to use in our new building whenever it 
goes up.  Come by and take a look and sample some of the food, and let 
us know what you think.  Tomorrow is the day for the EOSC students and 
employees to go through this, and the next day we have invited several 
area school and hospital representatives to come and see this display.  
They should be able to learn something from this too.

Our menu for today includes:

            Spaghetti with meat sauce
            Whole little potatoes
            Green peas
            Italian vegetables
             Baked potato bar with fixings

Our fast food will be a Sandwich bar.

And for dessert we have Honey Bun Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)
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