[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. April 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 25 09:45:54 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

I've heard people talk about it raining cats and dogs, but I think it 
rained raccoons at my house last night.  (We already had cats and 
dogs.)  There were a couple of wet raccoons on our patio eating cat 
food, which is okay, but when I got got rousted out at 12:30 hearing my 
chickens squawking about the raccoon that had gotten in the henhouse 
looking for a chicken dinner, I didn't think that was nearly as cute.  
It did give me the opportunity to get into my shed and rummage around 
for some props for "Oklahoma" since I was up in the middle of the night 
anyway.  Be sure and get your tickets to see it as soon as possible, 
since it opens tomorrow night and you have to have a color coded ticket 
for whichever day you are to attend.  Remember Eastern students, staff 
and faculty get in free, but I'm sure the Theater Dept. would appreciate 
a donation if you could possibly give one.

Our menu for today includes:

            Round steak
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Corn on the cob
            Turnip greens
            Hot rolls

Our fast food for today is PIZZA.

And for dessert have a delicious piece of Cheesecake.

Come on over and have lunch with us,

Rhoda     :-)

P. S.  Remember the Coffee Shop is closed til Fall.

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