[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. April 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 30 10:08:51 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

Better get your raincoat out, even though the temperature is supposed to 
be nice this week, there's a chance of rain every day.   I guess some of 
our April showers are arriving a little late.

If you didn't get to see our Theater Dept.'s production of  "Oklahoma" 
last week, you really missed a great show!  I confess, I had never seen 
"Oklahoma" before, and had no idea of the story line, so it was all new 
to me, and I really enjoyed seeing and hearing our students, staff, 
faculty, and even some family members, along with area residents put it 
on.  Everything came together for a wonderful performance, and all 
involved deserve our sincerest congratulations.   (I really enjoyed 
getting to see Jayna Miller Santine, the late president Dr. Miller's 
daughter, who played "Aunt Eller".  We went to school together and I 
hadn't seen her in years.  She and all the cast did a wonderful job.)

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken marsala served over noodles
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet peas
          Baked potato bar
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries.

And for dessert we're going to shake you up with some Earthquake Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   ;-)

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