[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. Dec. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Dec 14 10:31:46 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Well, today's the last day for finals, for better or worse.  (I hope for 
better, of course.)  That means that our students have completed one 
more step toward their future careers and lives.  It's really kind of 
exciting when you think about it that way.  We're all here to prepare 
these young people for the rest of their lives, to help them become 
successful, self-sufficient, productive adults.   Of course, until they 
get there, we'll just have to overlook when they goof off, forget their 
meal cards, don't do their homework or lose it on the way from their 
dorm room, etc., and focus on the big picture, the adult they will 
someday become with a little help from all of us.

After today, the Cafeteria will be closed until the evening of Jan. 1, 
when we will reopen to serve a dinner meal to those students who are 
enrolled in the special mini-mester class scheduled that week.  (Mildred 
and I will be working Mon. and Tues. of next week, but no meals will be 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break, with all the things and 
people around that make you happy, and everyone comes back whole, happy 
and healthy ready to teach, learn and just enjoy reaching for and 
attaining their next goal at Eastern.

Our menu for today includes:

             Hot roast beef and cheddar on a bun
             Broccoli and cheese soup

And we have Ranger Cookies for dessert.  (They may not sound like much, 
but they're really yummy.  Just ask Trisha.)

Have a great break and be safe,

Rhoda   :-)

P. S.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Betsy, Rich and Marian.  
Take care of yourselves.

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