[Eoscstudents] Healthy Relationship Awareness

Levenia Carey lcarey at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 13 15:18:34 CST 2007

Good Afternoon:

I predicted a blizzard for our Healthy Relationship Awareness "Be My 
Valentine" event tomorrow at the clock tower between 10:30 and 1:00 p.m. 
and it looks like the weather is on my side.  I am guaranteed to 
freeze.  But I will be there so drop by and see me and pick up a goodie 
bag/with an educational pamphlet, have some cookies or cupcakes and 
something to drink (warm or cold).  We have three prizes to give away so 
don't forget to register and you don't have to be present to win.  The 
top prize is two tickets to Eastern's Theatre departments dinner 
theatre.  I hope I win it (just kidding' I guess I can't play).  I never 
win anything and the one time I could flip the tables in my favor 
..........well I know you will enjoy the production.

Now for key ingredient #2, another tool that I believe is essential in 
maintaining a Healthy Relationship.

RESPECT - once again this word is so mis-used in our language.  Respect 
in a relationship means that you truly value the other person.  That you 
value their opinions and you give them your undivided attention when 
they are speaking.  You listen to what they are saying or how they feel 
about a subject and even if you disagreed with their thoughts or 
opinions you respect them enough to hear them out.  You respect their 
right to voice their thoughts, feelings, opinions.  You don't sit in 
judgment - looking for faults.  Respect means that you attempt to 
understand their point of view - by giving it your full attention.  You 
attempt to affirm their emotions.  Respect is key to loving a person.  
It is impossible to love or care about a person that you do not 
respect.  So respect needs to be a key foundational ingredient to having 
and maintaining a Healthy Relationship.  Respect means that you asks 
your partner to do something - not demand or order.  It is about 
treating another human being as you would desire to be treated.

Don't forget tomorrow at the clock tower.  Did you forget the 
chocolates?  We didn't so come by an enjoy - and it is all free.  If you 
forgot to purchase a gift for that special someone - register for our 
prizes and you could get a gift for free - including tickets for dinner 
and a show. 

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