[Eoscstudents] Healthy Relationship Awareness

Levenia Carey lcarey at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 14 14:41:24 CST 2007

Good Afternoon

As you can see I made it through the wind chill and I'm not in the 
middle of thawing out.  It was fun and we had a lot of participation.  
We made over 160 candy and information packets and all were given out.  
We also had a lot of takers for the hot chocolate, no one touched the 
ice or kool-aid (wonder why).  Thanks to everyone that stopped by to 
check my sanity status and to pick up on some goodies.  I have some 
wonderful people that I need to thank for their thoughtfulness and 
assistance.  First, I have two heroes who attempted to help me stay 
warm.  They first brought a propane heater but the wind kept blowing out 
the pilot light.  Next, they brought a kerosene blower and I'm in love.  
I could have used it during the ice storm.  Thanks so much to Allen and 
Teddy - somebody give those men a raise or at least a pat on the back.  
Also thanks to Robbie Wallace for braving the weather and helping me to 
pass out packets and goodies - you're a trooper.  Thanks to London 
White, Brenton Duncan and Elizabeth Duncan for their assistance - we 
make a great team.   Now, I'm sure you are wanting to know who won the 
prizes, I did (just joking).  Winner of the Hersey's Kisses:  Tabitha 
Zurovetz and Jolene Hill;  winner of stuffed animal - Teddy Marmon; 
grand prize winners of two tickets each to dinner theatre:  Angela 
Satterfield and Marilynn Duncan.  Congratulations to the winners.

Key Ingredient #3 - Trust.  Every relationship needs trust as a part of 
its foundation.  Trust is something that you earn - and should be 
earned, not just freely given.  It is validated by honesty and openness 
and the unconditional positive regard for one another.  You need to 
openly communicate your needs and feelings to your partner so that they 
know and don't have to assume what you are feeling or wanting.  When you 
have faith in your partner and trust them with your heart and emotions 
(or vice/versa) you have the ability to avoid the pitfalls.  Often 
friends, family members and others with good intentions (the road to ___ 
is paved with them) will say things or leave you second guessing your 
mate or the security of your relationship.  But when you have the proper 
foundation and you have open communication, honesty, respect and trust - 
you don't buy into or give into doubts, fears and insecurities.  You 
know that you have love, commitment, respect and trust and that this 
relationship is "for keeps" (oh - that was a movie).  Think about it. 

Happy Valentines Day and I hope that you know that you are wonderful and 
special and that it doesn't take flowers, chocolate or gifts to prove it 
(they aren't bad things).  Don't let monetary items define you, let them 
enhance your characteristics.  With or without them - you are still you 
and when the flowers wilt, the chocolate is gone, you will still have 
you and that is - and should always be enough. 

Have a great one.


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