[Eoscstudents] Stalking Awareness Month

lcarey at eosc.edu lcarey at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 23 08:52:03 CST 2007

Good Morning

Here are five more things you should know about Stalking.

6.  Stalking can occur during a relationship, after a relationship, or 
in the absence of a relationship.
    Stalking often begins during a relationship.  Stalkers may keep 
the victim under surveillance or threaten her or him.  Others begin 
Stalking after the victim has ended the relationship, and the stalker 
feels desperate to maintain or regain control.  Still others become 
fixated on a victim without ever having had any relationship with the 
person. All forms of stalking are unpredictable, and all should be 
considered dangerous.

7.  Technology can be used to stalk.
    Although newly-developed technology enhances our lives, it can 
also empower criminals.  Cell phones, computers, and surveillance 
equipment are just some of the technologies stalkers now use.

8.  An effective response to stalking includes the entire community.
    Police, prosecutors, advocates, educators, reporters, 
neighbors...everyone can and should play a part in stopping stalking.  
Working together, we can make victims safer.

9.  You can make a difference.
    Stop by the Campus Violence Prevention Project Office on the first 
floor of Miller Hall for additional information and ways to can make a 

10. Help is available.
    If you or someone you know is being stalked, call 918-448-2365 for 
campus law enforcement or 911.  Remember we have kits available in the 
Campus Violence office that will aid law enforcement in making arrests 
in cases of stalking.

Let me know if I can help.  Additional information will be 
forthcoming.  Have a great day.


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