[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Thurs. June 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jun 7 10:16:21 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

After reading Rudy's email about the stray cats the other day, I really 
wanted to encourage anyone who could to try to adopt one or more of 
these homeless creatures.  Apparently they've worn out their welcome at 
the Physical Plant and steps are about to be taken to move them 
elsewhere.  (The Physical Plant is about the last place I'd think cats 
would want to congregate, anyway, around a bunch of vehicles, and 
chemicals, etc.  I could understand it if they'd taken up around the 
Cafeteria or the Meat Plant where they smelled food.  That would be much 
more logical.)  If nothing else, maybe some of you people with barns 
could use one or two to help keep down mice.  I hate to see animals 
become displaced, taken away from surroundings they feel safe in and 
familiar with, but if they can be caught in live traps and given new 
homes where they could have a better environment to live in, it would be 
better for all involved.  I have to admit I'm an animal lover and I have 
much admiration for people who try to feed and look after these homeless 
beasts.  If you would be willing to adopt one or more of these poor 
homeless cats, please contact the Physical Plant and let them know 
before it's too late.  (As for raccoons, I thought every raccoon in the 
county lived around my house so they could eat my cat food and chicken 

Our menu for today includes:

             Baked boneless chicken breast
             Florentine rice
             Winter blend vegetables
             Twice baked potatoes
             Pasta bar
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Chili Dogs and Chips.

And for dessert try a piece of scrumptious Peaches and Cream Cake.

Have a great day, or weekend if your week is over today,

Rhoda   :-)
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