[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 7 10:07:46 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

It's hard to believe how behind I feel I am after only being off one 
extra day!  Of course, it was a historical day here on campus, what with 
the groundbreaking ceremony for the new building, and I had to miss it, 
but I did get to make it to graduation and congratulate some of the 
students on a job well done as they head off out into the world.

I was totally surprised to see the announcement that Estella 
Bennett-Mask will be retiring.  I personally know she's been here a long 
time, because once, long ago, I was one of her students, but she still 
looks just the same, definitely not like someone ready to go into 
retirement!   I wish I'd known that secret about twenty years (and 
several pounds) ago myself.  

Everyone I asked if they were ready for finals this morning told me the 
same thing.  They're ready for them to be over!   I saw a lot of last 
minute studying going on at breakfast this morning, so that should help 
some of the students feel a bit better prepared.  Best of luck to all of 

Our menu for today includes:

             Smoked sausage
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Macaroni and cheese
             Green beans
             Hot rolls

Our fast food today is Cheeseburgers and French Fries.

And for dessert have a piece of German Chocolate Cake.

Get out your umbrella and come on over,

Rhoda   :-)
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