[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: RE: Menu for Thurs. Nov. 1]

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 1 13:41:31 CDT 2007

Here's a comment I got from a happy carnival customer!  Good job everyone!

Rhoda   :-)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: Menu for Thurs. Nov. 1
Date: 	Thu, 01 Nov 2007 14:09:21 -0400
From: 	Bunton, Beth <bbunton at fele.com>
To: 	Rhoda Watkins <rwatkins at eosc.edu>

Andrea really enjoyed it!  Whoever was responsible for putting this all 
together did a great job.  This was one of the best Halloweens this town 
has seen in a while, all credit going to EOSC!    


Beth Bunton




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From: Rhoda Watkins [mailto:rwatkins at eosc.edu]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 11:06 AM
To: eoscall at lists.onenet.net; eoscstudents at lists.onenet.net; Dwayne 
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jwarren at okktc.org; rdegiacomo at okktc.org; lcravens at okktc.org; 
ecoleman at okktc.org; Cawley, Michael; Hale, Bill; Bunton, Beth; Fisher, 
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Coffey; cc puckett; delo >> Dana Malone
Subject: Menu for Thurs. Nov. 1


Happy November everyone,

It's hard to believe that yesterday was Halloween as warm as it was.  I 
wore my cap and gown as a costume, but had to lose it during the day, 
before I had a heat stroke.  (I realized yesterday that that is 
probably, no definitely, the only piece of clothing I have that is that 
old that still fits.  Those graduation robes are very forgiving.) I did 
get to put it on late yesterday evening as it began to cloud up and cool 
off, and it felt pretty good then.

The Halloween Carnival was a great success with all kinds of activities 
and hundred of people in attendance.  The dunk tank, pie in the face 
booth, velcro wall, and other inflatables were big hits with everyone, 
and the International Students "Pork on a Stick" and Green Tea booth 
went over really well, also.  I had to laugh when I saw Brenton Duncan 
(coming from the pie in the face booth maybe?) looking like a huge bird 
had just flown over and deposited something on his head.  I think he 
went to the dunk tank then hoping to get dunked so he could clean up.  
Even Dr. Smith took a few pies in the face for the team, as did  Sally 
Davis, Linda Enis and several other faculty and staff members.  Here's 
hoping that this will become an annual event and get bigger and better 
every year.  Many congratulations to everyone who had a part in making 
this the great success that it was. 

While the carnival was a massive undertaking, it is by no means the last 
event in this busy week.  This afternoon at 2:00 we will have the Native 
American Celebration in the Ballroom, at 6:00 and 8:00 there will be the 
women's and men's basketball games against Paris, I believe, and if you 
can hang in there that long, tonight at 10:00 there will be a 
comedy/hypnotist here in Mitchell Auditorium.  I have seen this twice 
since I've been here and it is always hysterical.  Friday there will be 
a pep rally to support our teams at noon at the field house, and that 
evening at 6:30 at Pete's Place in Krebs, there will be the Hall of Fame 
Induction Dinner honoring Bill Cole, former president of East Central 
University in Ada.  Finally, Saturday will kick off early with  the 
Hilltopper's Breakfast at 8:30 in the President's Dining Room, then the 
first EOSC Homecoming Parade in years on Main Street, followed by an 
Alumni Meeting in the Coffee Shop.  After that there will be a tailgate 
party on campus with the Aggie Club cooking hamburgers and hot dogs for 
all comers from 11:30 to 1:30, (remember the Cafeteria will  be closed 
so that everyone can eat at the Tailgate Party), and the Homecoming ball 
games starting at 1:00 (women's) and 3:00 (men's) and coronation of the 
new EOSC Homecoming King and Queen.  The last Homecoming activity for 
this year will be the Homecoming Dance from 9:00 to midnight in the 
Ballroom.  Whew, is that a lot of stuff or what?

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meat sauce
             Steamed red potatoes
             Broccoli with cheese sauce
             Green beans
             Seasoned rice
             Baby carrots
             Garlic rolls
             Baked potato bar
Our fast food is Cheeseburgers and French Fries, and we're having that 
wonderful Peaches and Cream Cake for dessert.  (You've got to try some 
of that stuff!)

And since I will be off tomorrow, I'll go ahead and give Friday's lunch 
menu also:
             Crispy cube potatoes  
             Corn on the cob
             Pinto beans
             Winter blend vegetables with cheese sauce
             Corn bread or rolls
             Pasta bar

And the fast food will be Chicken Patty on a Bun and Peach Cobbler for 

Have a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend,

Rhoda   :-)


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