[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Nov. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Nov 6 08:58:27 CST 2007

Hi folks,

Well, I'm back in the saddle again after being under the weather most of 
the weekend and yesterday.  I started feeling a little sneezy and 
sniffly Thursday evening and it just progressed from there.  I had 
planned on going to the Hall of Fame Induction Dinner Friday evening, 
but was way too miserable by then.  I did get to go to town for a few 
minutes Saturday morning just to see the Homecoming Parade, but then 
went right back home and back to bed.  I haven't even heard how the 
games went or who got Homecoming King and Queen.  Somebody's going to 
have to fill me in. 

I'm not quite used to the time change yet.  I miss the extra daylight in 
the evenings already.  And I've been hearing talk of upcoming frosts and 
freezes on the weather report.  Better buy some de-icer before it's all 
gone.  And make sure and bring in your tender plants and pets, or at 
least have them some cozy bedding put out where they can snuggle in it 
and not want to get under vehicles or in the motors. 

I thought with Homecoming being over with I wouldn't have missed 
anything very important on campus by being gone yesterday, but I saw an 
email saying that our friendly neighborhood DJ, Dougo, is now our new 
mail clerk.  Welcome back to campus, Doug.  We're glad to have you back 
around.  Now if we can just get you set up to play us some good music 
everything will be great.   

Be sure and wish a very happy birthday to one of EOSC's real 
sweethearts, Ruth Brelsford.   Have a terrific birthday, Ruth!       

Our menu for today includes:

             Beef tips with rice
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Black eyed peas
             Winter blend vegetables
             Baby carrots
             Pasta bar
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries and have some scrumptious 
Cobbler for dessert.  (A la mode is even better.)

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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