[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Nov. 26

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 26 09:54:05 CST 2007

Welcome back everyone,

I hope you all had a great week off or however long you got.  It's odd 
the way time works.  I can think back to the beginning of our week off 
and it seems like a long time ago, but when the alarm went off this 
morning, it seemed as if the week had just flown by.   It was a full 
week, though.  My daughter and I came out to the evening performance of 
"Twinderella" and just loved it.  All the kids did a great job and you 
can tell they really enjoy getting those laughs from the audience.  Our 
state turned 100 on Friday the 16th, and on Mon. the 19th, our new Alco 
store opened locally and a lot of folks came out to help them celebrate 
and do some shopping and get some Christmas gift ideas.  I hope you all 
had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.  We had two of them; one with my 
husband's folks in Buffalo Valley and one with my mom here in town.  The 
weather sure went through an extreme change while we were off.  It 
seemed like we left at the end of summer and now it seems like we're 
officially into fall heading rapidly into winter.  It's definitely time 
to shuffle the closet and dig out all the warmer clothes, and be 
figuring out where you stored the Christmas decorations, start getting 
ready to send Christmas cards and do some shopping.  Christmas will be 
upon us and the semester will be over before we know it.  I hate that 
we're going to be losing our wonderful work-study guy, Yuichi Sato.  I 
believe he will be heading back to Japan when this semester is 
completed.  He will definitely be missed around here, but we'll still 
have 'Cilo to pick on. 

Slightly belated birthday wishes go out to Lea Weaver for last Friday 
the 23rd, and to our own Charlie Langford for last Saturday the 24th.  I 
hope they both had a ball, but not so much that they can't make it on in 
to work today!

Our menu for today includes:

             Spaghetti and meatballs
             Garlic bread
             Steamed red potatoes
             Green beans
             Broccoli and cheese sauce

Our fast food is Hot Dogs and French Fries along with Pineapple Upside 
Down Cake for dessert.

Bundle up and come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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