[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Nov. 27

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Nov 27 09:48:15 CST 2007

Hi folks,

I was a little bit worried yesterday.  My car was acting funny yesterday 
morning.  All the indicator lights were lit up and stayed lit up all the 
way to work, even the "Passenger Door Ajar" one after I had gone around 
and slammed all my doors with no result.  By yesterday afternoon when I 
got off work, it was back to normal.  Maybe it was just too early and 
too cold for it and it was protesting.  Then when I was in my living 
room yesterday evening, I kept hearing a funny clicking sort of sound 
coming from down the hall or somewhere close enough to make me think it 
was coming from my heating unit.   (Not a good thought to have just as 
it starts to get cold.)  I walked over by it and stood listening for a 
minute or so before I decided that probably wasn't what it was and 
walked on down the hall into the bedroom.   I had just filled up my 
birdfeeders the day before and the first thing I noticed was a beautiful 
red male cardinal sitting on top of the feeder outside my bedroom 
window.  Then I noticed that some of our "winter guests ", (the ladybugs 
that come and live with us in the winter), had gotten active and started 
crawling around on the bedroom window.  The next thing I knew, that 
crazy kamikaze cardinal was flying into the window!  I don't know if he 
was flying at his own reflection, (I've heard of them doing that, trying 
to scare off the "other bird"), or if he was trying to get at the 
ladybugs that were crawling on the inside of the window!  I was glad my 
mystery was solved in such a harmless manner.  (At least if he doesn't 
keep doing it today and knock himself silly and one of the cats catches 

I noticed on our website that Candlelighting will be this Sunday at 5:00 
p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Mitchell Auditorium.  I have seen several 
performances by our music groups since I've started working here and 
they are well worth coming to.  (And you can't beat the price...FREE!)   
Come out and hear our wonderful student performers celebrating the 
Christmas season. 

Our menu for today includes:

             Scalloped potatoes
             Green beans
             Sauerkraut and weiners
             Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hot Ham and Cheese on a Bun and try a taste of the 
tropics with a helping of Coconut Crunch for dessert.

Have a great day, (I'm going to cause it's my birthday!)

Rhoda   ;-)
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