[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 28 10:07:36 CST 2007

Hi folks,

I want to thank everyone who sent me all the great birthday wishes 
yesterday.  I was so surprised that so many people cared!  I also found 
out today that Barbara Gilbertson and I share a birthday.  I hope she 
had a great one too.  I did.  You all made me feel really special.  
Thanks so much!  And a happy late birthday to my birthday twin, Barbara.

I'm really looking forward to the Christmas Pot Luck.  Sometimes when 
you have a regular meal with a set menu, it doesn't suit everyone, but 
this way, there should be plenty of food and a great variety to choose 
from...something for everyone!  And I hope everyone will attend.  We've 
started "decking the halls" here in the Cafeteria, to help get everyone 
in the Christmas mood.  I'm starting to get there myself.    

Our menu for today includes:

          Tenderized steak
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Broccoli with rice casserole
          Black eyed peas
          Fried squash
          Hot rolls

Our fast food today is Frito Chili Pies with Toppings, and we have 
Apricot Cobbler for dessert.

Come on over and eat with us,

Rhoda   :-)
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