[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Oct. 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 23 09:47:14 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

Well, it looks like yesterday's rain has moved out of the area, for the 
time being anyway.   I think I heard it said that we could get some more 
before the end of the week.   Time to dig out the winter clothes.

Don't forget to go to the "Going Away Party" for Claudia Hodge this 
afternoon at 2:00 in the Library, (up there where we have to go see the 
insurance man every year).  She is leaving us in order to have more time 
to take care of her aging and ailing mother, and she will be missed.  I 
understand she has been here at Eastern for almost 10 years, and has 
worked hard at several jobs and activities while employed here.  Best of 
luck, Claudia!

And for your information, at 6:00 this evening there will a special 
program on Fire Ant Control presented by Wayne Smith, Extension Educator 
for the S. E. District on Fire Ants at the Latimer County Public 
Library, 301 West Ada Ave.  Fire ants can be anything from a nuisance to 
downright deadly, and even if you don't have an infestation of them on 
your property at this time, you very well could in the future, so it 
would be time well spent to learn how to deal with them before they take 
over your land.   Call 465-3751 if you need more information.

And if anyone sees Janice Forwoodson, at the Extension Office or maybe 
down at Curves, there's a rumor going around that she's a year older 
today.  (I'd've never believed it if I hadn't started it myself!)  Be 
sure and wish her a Happy Birthday; she's a sweetie . 

Our menu for today includes:

             Pork chops
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Black eyed peas
             Brussel sprouts
             Rice Florentine
             Pasta bar
             Hot rolls

And our fast food is Cheeseburgers and French Fries with some delicious 
Blackberry Cobbler for dessert.  (Believe me I'm going to have to have 
some of that!)

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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