[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Oct. 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Oct 25 10:16:24 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

I should've know something was up yesterday when I got up and blew out a 
light bulb first thing.  I knew I'd have to replace it after work, but 
didn't think much about it.  Of course when I actually went to do it, I 
realized I didn't have any bulbs that size, so I had to run to town for 
some.  On the way back I noticed some movement in the ditch close to my 
house on the highway, and when I looked closer, I noticed it was a 
little beagle, looking all lost and unloved.  Of course, I turned 
around, went back and parked, and got out to see what I could do for 
her.  I walked along the highway until I was about even with her, and 
started to go closer when I realized I was crossing a water filled 
ditch, (since the grass hid it I only realized this after I had stuck my 
foot in it), so I had to backtrack until I could cross over to the other 
side without anymore wet feet.  When I got closer, I realized that it 
was a beagle and a bonus.  She's pregnant.  (I know what everyone on my 
Christmas list is getting this year.)  If anyone has lost this little 
girl, please let me know.  She needs a good home to have her puppies 
in.  She's really sweet.  She put up with me carrying her back to the 
car without a fuss, and if you've never tried to carry a pregnant 
beagle, it's about like being pregnant yourself.  You can't see your 
feet, you walk awkwardly, and you know you'd better not  fall down.   
Leave it to me to go for light bulbs and come home with a pregnant dog!  
If any of you out there can relate to this situation, we need you at the 
PAWS meeting tonight at 7:00 at the library!

Don't forget to come over and get your FREE FLU SHOT tomorrow from 1:00 
to 5:00 in the East Cafeteria.  This is especially important for people 
who have respiratory problems, such as asthma, or if you are older and 
your immune system may not work like it used to (like most of our other 
parts), or are around small children who don't want to share their toys, 
but will gladly share their germs with anyone and everyone they come in 
contact with.

Our menu for today includes:

                Chicken parmesan with spaghetti
                Steamed red potatoes
                Deep fried okra
                Baby carrots

Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries, and have a helping of 
Cobbler for dessert.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)  

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