[Eoscstudents] McAlester campus Tailgate Party, Monday, Oct.1

bgilbertson at eosc.edu bgilbertson at eosc.edu
Fri Sep 28 17:12:55 CDT 2007

The 2nd MAC Connection "Tailgate Party" for the McAlester Campus will 
be held Monday, October 1st, 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.  We will be serving  
Simple Simon's Pizza, cookies and  a drink or BBQ sandwiches, chips 
and  a drink for $5. The funds raised will help pay for the McAlester 
campus float for the Homecoming Parade. This is a meet and greet and 
get to know your classmates fun event.  We also want anyone interested 
in forming a McAlester campus student club to sign-up on the door 
prize entry form.  OH YES!  We have Door Prizes!   Everyone is 
invited.  We will have good food, loud music and lots of fun!

Last Tuesday, the McAlester campus held their 1st Tailgate Party.  The 
party was moved indoors because of rain, but we still had fun.  Thank 
you to all who participated and helped.  The committee is great, with 
Nicole running after "buns" from McDonalds and making the handouts, 
Nikki and Steve doing the last minute runs on items we needed, 
Lawrence Raunikar bringing the BBQ to us from Wilburton and Peggy 
getting the handouts ready.  We sold about 55 meals and also had 
students sign-up for the campus club. 

Rest up this weekend and get ready to PARTY Monday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 
McAlester campus.

Thanks again for your support and participation.

Barb Gilbertson
Ext. 642

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